The A.D. Makepeace Company, based in Wareham, Massachusetts, is North America’s largest cranberry grower, and a recognized leader in environmentally responsible real estate development and stewardship. Cranberries are our heritage and our livelihood. Our 170-year history in the cranberry industry affects the way we do business, and it strengthens the communities we build.
LIFE on the BOG
Winter on the Bog
After harvest, the cranberry vines are given time to dry out and go dormant. The color of the vine has changed from green to a deep burgundy. Most bogs are flooded during the late winter to protect them from the cold, a practice referred to as winter flood.
During the winter and early spring, we will apply a layer of sand to select bogs. Ice sanding is the preferred method of sanding a cranberry bog. This is accomplished by running buggies over solid ice, scattering a thin layer of sand on the surface. When the winter isn’t cold enough to form thick ice, a water barge is used to accomplish the same goal. The sand stimulates new vine growth, strengthens root systems, and reduces susceptibility to pests, which enables us to reduce the amount of fertilizer and pesticides we need to help the cranberry vines thrive. This practice is generally performed on each bog every three to five years.
We are busy manufacturing our own machinery and equipment throughout the year, but the winter allows for more of this work. The cranberry industry is too small to attract the attention of the major manufacturers of farm equipment, so our maintenance team designs, builds, and maintains most of our equipment, such as picking machines, pumps, harvesting equipment, and more.
The winter months also allows for planning for spring renovations, performing forestry management, and educational classes.
Winter, 2025
Ierardi Named Read Custom Soils General Manager
/in General /by Linda BurkeChristopher Ierardi has been promoted to General Manager of the Read Custom Soils (RCS) Division of the A.D. Makepeace Company.
Phelan Elected
/in General, Real Estate /by Linda BurkeKevin Phelan of Colliers International, a real estate professional with more than four decades of experience in the Boston/New England market, was elected to the A.D. Makepeace Company Board of Directors at the annual shareholders’ meeting in May.
Farmers Market Coming to 35 Rosebrook
/in Events, General /by Linda BurkeGet your fresh veggies and more on Thursday afternoons Rosebrook this year!